Energy Healing Group Class
Class runs about an hour, sometimes as long as an hour and fifteen minutes.
Class is never the same. It is an intuitively guided mix of meditation, energy healing, and hatha yoga.
In my class you are encouraged to really honor yourself and adjust any part of class to suit your needs.
Keep in mind this is not the class you want to take if you want an intensive physical workout. My class is very flowy and suits those on a healing or spiritual path best. Everyone is welcome, I just don't want you to be surprised when its not like any yoga class you've taken before.
You Will Need:
*Yoga Mat
*Wear Clothes You Can Move Freely In
*Big Bowl or Small Bucket of Salt Water (fill with tap water and 1/2 cup cheap salt)
*Energy Cleansing Spray
Make a spray of half undiluted unflavored vodka or witch hazel, and half distilled water. Add 5 drops of Lavender, or Tea Tree (or a mixture of the two) essential oil to the spray bottle for each ounce. (i.e. If the bottle is two ounces add 10 drops of essential oil.)
Make sure the bowl or bucket of salt water will never be used for food or edible plants. a small plastic trash bucket works well.